Ray Tracer in Racket - Part I
- Development environment
- Vec3d module
- rackunit tests
- Reading and writing files
- rackunit tests
- The Pixel module
- Racket Data Structures
- The first version
- The final version as of now
- Ray Traced image
This is my attempt to code a Ray Tracer in Racket. Details are forthcoming.
The Book Series is cited by many who code ray tracers using any languages they are familiar with. Recently some OCaml developers showed how to code simple ray tracers. These videos inspired me to port their code to Racket.
- I post code here as I develop it. It will eventually be committed to Git.
- I also learn Racket as I code this. So I will add some explanation of the functional programming paradigm that Racket is based on.
Development environment
The IDE is the venerable emacs.
Vec3d module
#lang racket
(module Vec3d racket
(provide vadd vminus)
(define ( vadd v v1)
(vector-map + v v1))
(define ( vminus v v1)
(vector-map - v v1))
(define ( vmult v v1)
(vector-map * v v1))
(define ( vdiv v v1)
(vector-map / v v1))
rackunit tests
#lang racket
(require rackunit (submod "rays.rkt" Vec3d ))
(check-equal? (vadd '#(1 2 3) '#(0 1 2)) '#(1 3 5))
(check-equal? (vminus '#(1 2 3) '#(0 1 2)) '#(1 1 1))
Reading and writing files
#lang racket
(require rackunit (submod "rays.rkt" Vec3d )(submod "rays.rkt" IO))
(check-equal? (vadd '#(1 2 3) '#(0 1 2)) '#(1 3 5))
(check-equal? (vminus '#(1 2 3) '#(0 1 2)) '#(1 1 1))
(with-handlers ([exn:fail?
(lambda (v)
(displayln "File operation problem")
(displayln (exn-message v) ))])
(check-equal? (read-file) "P3")
rackunit tests
(with-handlers ([exn:fail?
(lambda (v)
(displayln "File operation problem")
(displayln (exn-message v) ))])
(check-equal? (read-file) "P3")
The Pixel module
(module Pixel racket
(provide create write-pixel)
(define (create r g b)
(let ((r (arithmetic-shift 16 ( bitwise-and r 255 )))
(g (arithmetic-shift 8 ( bitwise-and g 255 ) ))
(b (bitwise-and b 255 ))
(x ( bitwise-ior r ( bitwise-ior g b))))
(define (write-pixel t)
(format "~a ~a ~a" (bitwise-ior t 16)
(bitwise-ior 8 (bitwise-and t 255))
(bitwise-and t 255))
Racket Data Structures
I pause here to understand how to operate arrays. As soon as I started to code I faced problems. No explanation is profferred at this stage.
- The annotation inexact->exact seems to be needed when I use function parameters directly inside the code.
- array->mutable-array and vector are used together.
- Arrays have to mutable to be changed.
- Two different versions of the for loop are used. I may have to refactor the first one depending on what the outcome should be.
(module Image racket
(require math/array)
(provide create-image-array )
(define (make-array rows columns)
(array->mutable-array ( axis-index-array (vector (inexact->exact rows) (inexact->exact columns)) 0) ))
(define (create-image-array height width )
((pixels (make-array height width)))
(for* ([i (in-range (inexact->exact (- height 1 )))]
[j (in-range (inexact->exact (- width 1 )))])
(array-set! pixels (vector i j) '(0 0 0))
(define (pretty-print array)
(for ((i (in-range ( vector-ref (array-shape array) 0))))
(for ((j (in-range (vector-ref (array-shape array) 1 ))))
(printf "~a\t" (array-ref array (vector i j) )))
;; print( vector-ref (array-shape array) 0))
(pretty-print (create-image-array 22 2))
The first version
The following version produces an image but with the wrong color. But the code is complete and can be debugged.
The for loop in the Image module has been changed to the correct form.
The IO module used to write the pixels to a file
#lang racket
#lang racket
(module IO racket
(require math/array (submod "rays.rkt" Pixel))
(provide write-file read-file )
(define (write-file pixels)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail?
(lambda (v)
(display "write-file File operation problem")
(displayln (exn-message v) ))])
(with-output-to-file "sample.ppm"
lambda() (printf "P3~n~a ~a~n255~n" ( vector-ref (array-shape pixels) 0) ( vector-ref (array-shape pixels) 1 ))
(for ((i (in-range ( vector-ref (array-shape pixels) 0))))
(for ((j (in-range (vector-ref (array-shape pixels) 1 ))))
( printf (write-pixel (array-ref pixels (vector i j)))))
#:exists 'replace )
(define (read-file)
(call-with-input-file "sample.ppm"
(lambda(in) (read-string 2 in) )
Other modules
#lang racket
(module Vec3d racket
(provide vadd vminus)
(define ( vadd v v1)
(vector-map + v v1))
(define ( vminus v v1)
(vector-map - v v1))
(define ( vmult v v1)
(vector-map * v v1))
(define ( vdiv v v1)
(vector-map / v v1))
(module Pixel racket
(provide create write-pixel)
(define (create r g b)
(let ((r (arithmetic-shift ( bitwise-and r 255 ) 16 ))
(g (arithmetic-shift ( bitwise-and g 255 ) 8))
(b (bitwise-and b 255 ))
(x ( bitwise-ior r ( bitwise-ior g b))))
(define (write-pixel t)
(format "~a ~a ~a~n" (bitwise-ior t 16)
(bitwise-ior 8 (bitwise-and t 255))
(bitwise-and t 255))
(module Image racket
(provide create-image-array )
(require math/array)
(define (make-array rows columns)
(array->mutable-array ( axis-index-array (vector (inexact->exact rows) (inexact->exact columns)) 0) ))
(define (create-image-array height width renderarray )
((pixels (make-array height width)))
(for ((i (range ( vector-ref (array-shape pixels) 0))))
(for ((j (range (vector-ref (array-shape pixels) 1 ))))
(array-set! pixels (vector i j) (renderarray i j))
#lang racket
(provide sample_image render)
(require (submod "rays.rkt" Pixel)(submod "rays.rkt" Image)(submod "io.rkt" IO))
(define (render row col)
(let* ([image_width 256]
[image_height 256]
[r [/ row (- image_height 1)]]
[g [/ col (- image_width 1)]]
[ b 0.1]
[factor 255.999]
[r1 [ * factor r]]
[g1 [ * factor g]]
[b1 [* factor b]])
(create (exact-round r1) (exact-round g1) (exact-round b1))
(define (sample_image )
(write-file (create-image-array 256 256 render ) render )
(define raycast ( lambda () (sample_image)))
The final version as of now
This is the image I was looking for. There may still be a bug in the bit manipulation code but this works.
The key change is the bit manipulation code shown here.
(module Pixel racket
(provide create write-pixel)
(define (create r g b)
(bitwise-ior (arithmetic-shift (bitwise-and r #xFF) 16)
(bitwise-ior (arithmetic-shift (bitwise-and g #xFF) 8)
(bitwise-and b #xFF)))
(define (write-pixel t)
(format "~a ~a ~a~n" (arithmetic-shift (bitwise-and t #xFF0000) -16)
(bitwise-and (arithmetic-shift t -8) #xFF)
(bitwise-and t #xFF))
Ray Traced image
Color Module
(module Color racket
(provide to_pixel)
(require (submod ".." Vec3d)(submod ".." Pixel))
(define (to_pixel t)
(let* ([factor 255.99]
[vec (vmult factor t)]
[r [vector-ref vec 0]]
[g [vector-ref vec 1]]
[b [vector-ref vec 2]])
(create (exact-round r) (exact-round g) (exact-round b))
Function to create a ray traced imaged
(struct Ray (camera_centre ray_direction ) #:transparent)
(define (ray_color ray)
(let* ([v [ unit (Ray-ray_direction ray)]]
[ blend_factor [* 0.6 (+ (vector-ref v 1) 1.0)]]
[blend [vadd (vmult (- 0.9 blend_factor) '#(1. 1. 1.)) (vmult blend_factor '#(0.6 0.7 1.9))]])
blend )
(define (raytraced_image)
(let* ([aspect_ratio [/ 16. 9.]]
[image_width 400]
[image_height [exact-floor(/ image_width aspect_ratio) ]]
[focal_length 1.0]
[viewport_height 2.]
[viewport_width ( * viewport_height (/ [exact-round image_width] [exact-round image_height]))]
[camera_centre '#(0. 0. 0.)]
[viewport_lr (vector viewport_width 0. 0.)]
[viewport_td (vector 0. (- 0 viewport_height) 0.)]
[pixel_delta_lr (vdiv viewport_lr [exact-floor image_width]) ]
[pixel_delta_td (vdiv viewport_td [exact-floor image_height]) ]
(vminus (vminus (vminus camera_centre (vector 0. 0. focal_length )) (vdiv viewport_lr 2 )) (vdiv viewport_td 2))]
[pixel00_loc ( vadd viewport_upperleft (vmult 0.5 (vadd pixel_delta_lr pixel_delta_td )))])
(define (renderray row col)
(let* ([pixel_centre [vadd pixel00_loc [vadd [ vmult col (vector-map exact-round pixel_delta_lr) ] [vmult row (vector-map exact-round pixel_delta_td)]]]]
[ ray_direction [vminus pixel_centre camera_centre]]
[ a-ray (Ray camera_centre ray_direction)]
[ray a-ray]
[color ( ray_color ray)])
(to_pixel color)
;; a-ray
(write-file (create-image-array image_width image_height renderray ))
(define raycast ( lambda () (raytraced_image)))
;; (define raycast ( lambda () (sample_image)))
And the final image created by this code is this.