Probabilistic and other Data Structures


  1. The code will be gradually improved and be committed to git finally.
  2. Performance considerations are not paramount here.
  3. The language is OCaml and it is imperative even though I will attempt to use functional Data structures.
  4. The repository is this

Development Environment



Probabilistic and other Data Structures

Bloom Filter


 let jenkins ss : int32 =
   let rec hash_accu ( accu, l ):int32  =
    match l with
      | [] ->
        let hs = Int32.add accu (Int32.shift_left accu 3) in
        let hs1 = Int32.logxor hs (Int32.shift_right_logical hs 11) in
        Int32.add (Int32.shift_left hs1 15) hs1
      | hd :: tl ->
        let h = Int32.add accu hd in
        let accu = Int32.add h (Int32.shift_left h 10) in
        hash_accu (Int32.logxor accu (Int32.shift_right_logical accu 6), tl)
     (*  | [] -> *)
    (*           let hs = accu + (accu lsl 3) in *)
    (*           let hs1 = hs lxor (hs lsr 11) in *)
    (*           Int32.of_int (hs1 + (hs1 lsl 15)) *)
    (* | hd :: tl ->let h = accu + hd in *)
    (*              let accu = h + (h lsl 10) in *)
    (*   hash_accu ((accu lxor (accu lsr 6) ), tl) *)
   hash_accu  ((Int32.of_int 0 ),ss)

Initial set of tests

As I mentioned I am not considering space allocation here as the focus is on working code.


let string_to_print_list s =

  let str = s |> String.to_seq |> List.of_seq in
  let int_list = int_of_char str in
  List.iter (fun c -> Printf.printf "%d\n" c) int_list

let string_to_int_list s =

  let str = s |> String.to_seq |> List.of_seq in
  let int_list = int_of_char str in (fun c -> Int32.of_int c) int_list

let%expect_test _=
  let hash = Bloomfilter.Ds.jenkins (string_to_int_list "Hello") in
  Printf.printf "%d\n" (Int32.to_int  hash);
  [%expect {| 1901914092 |}]

let%expect_test _=
  string_to_print_list "Hello";
  [%expect {|
    111 |}]

Initial version with a list of hash functions.

type 'hf element =
  { value : 'hf
  ; mutable next : 'hf element option
type 'hf  t = 'hf element option ref 

let insert_hashfunc t value =
  let new_hashfunc = { next = !t; value } in
  (match !t with
   | Some old_hashfunc  ->
                             <- Some new_hashfunc
   | None -> ());
  t := Some new_hashfunc;


let%expect_test "hash" =
  let empty_list() : 'hf Bloomfilter.Ds.t = ref None in
  let l = empty_list() in
  let hf = Bloomfilter.Ds.insert_hashfunc l Bloomfilter.Ds.jenkins in
  let hash = hf.value (string_to_int_list "Hello") in
  Printf.printf "%d\n" (Int32.to_int  hash);
  [%expect {| 1901914092 |}]

Test for Bit set and get

let%expect_test "bitset" =
  let empty_list() : 'hf Bloomfilter.Ds.t = ref None in
  let l = empty_list() in
  let hf = Bloomfilter.Ds.insert_hashfunc l Bloomfilter.Ds.jenkins in
  let bit = Bloomfilter.Ds.set_indices (Bloomfilter.Ds.create_filter 9) "Hello" hf.value
  Batteries.BitSet.print (BatInnerIO.output_channel stdout) bit ;
  [%expect {| 0000000000001000 |}]

let%expect_test "bitget" =
  let empty_list() : 'hf Bloomfilter.Ds.t = ref None in
  let l = empty_list() in
  let hf = Bloomfilter.Ds.insert_hashfunc l Bloomfilter.Ds.jenkins in
  let bit = Bloomfilter.Ds.get_indices (Bloomfilter.Ds.create_filter 9) "Hello" hf.value in
  Printf.printf "%s\n" (string_of_bool bit);
  [%expect {| true |}]

Bit set and get

The code will be further refactored and committed to my repository.

let set_indices filt  element hf =
  let length = Batteries.BitSet.capacity filt.bits in
  let hash = hf (string_to_int_list element) in
  let () = Batteries.BitSet.set filt.bits ((Int32.to_int hash) mod length) in

let get_indices filt  element hf =
  let length = Batteries.BitSet.capacity filt.bits in
  let hash = hf (string_to_int_list element) in
  let () = Batteries.BitSet.set filt.bits ((Int32.to_int hash) mod length) in
  let bit = Batteries.BitSet.mem filt.bits ((Int32.to_int hash ) mod length) in

Splay Tree

Initial set of tests


type 'a r_tree = Leaf | Node of 'a node1
and 'a node1 = { value : 'a; left : 'a r_tree; right : 'a r_tree; }

let rec check_splay_tree t = 
  match t with
  |Leaf ->  false
  | Node {left; value = v; right}->
    match left, right with
    | Node { left = _; value = v0;  _}, Node {left =  _; value = v1;  _} -> v == v1 + v0 + 1 
    | Node { left ;   _}, Leaf -> check_splay_tree left
    | Leaf, Node { left = _ ;value = _;  right} -> check_splay_tree right
    | _ -> false

let insert=
  Node {
    value = 2;
    left = Node {value = 1; left = Leaf; right = Leaf};
    right = Node {value = 3; left = Leaf; right = Leaf}

let%expect_test _=
  Printf.printf  "%s" (string_of_bool (check_splay_tree insert));
  [%expect {| false |}]

We can print a small tree like this for debugging.


let rec print_sTree (sTree : int s_tree ) (d : int) : unit =
  match sTree with
  |Leaf -> () 
  | Node { left  ;value ;  right} ->
                                   print_sTree right (d + 1);
                                   for __i=0 to  (d - 1) do
                                       Printf.printf "  "
                                   Printf.printf "%d\n" value;
                                   print_sTree left  (d+1) 

dune runtest –auto-promote updates the test output automatically.


Core Splay algorithm

At this stage the compiler is happy but very less progress is made. There is a steep learning curve here as I have to learn the language deeply.

Insert Key into a binary tree

At this stage the mutable imperative style is hard to debug.Moreover None and Some Leaf are both used redundantly. This led to a bug.


let rec insert_key (k : int ) (t : int splay_tree option ref) : int splay_tree option ref=
 match !t with
  | None |Some Leaf ->
    let new_node = Node { key = k; value = 0; left = None; right = None } in
    t := Some new_node;
  | Some tree  ->
    let  insert_node tree =

      match tree with
      |  Node old_key ->
        begin match old_key with
          |  ok  ->
            if k > ok.key then(
              match ok.right with
              | None | Some Leaf ->
              let r = ref (Some (Node { key = k ;value = 0 ; right = Some Leaf; left = Some Leaf} ))in
               ok.right <- !r;
             | Some _r ->
             insert_key k (ref (ok.right ))
            if k < ok.key then(
              match ok.left with
              | None ->
               let l = ref (Some (Node { key = k ;value = 0 ; right = Some Leaf; left = Some Leaf} ))in 
              ok.left <- !l;
             | Some _l ->
             insert_key k (ref (ok.left)); 
     |Leaf ->t
    insert_node tree

Porting SML to OCaml

I spent several days coding a Splay tree using my inefficient mutable ref data structure. It didn’t work satisfactily. Eventually I picked up basic SML and ported the SML code to OCaml. This was a great learning experience as I learnt how to use Functors and abstractions and modules.


let rec splay (l, v, r) (k:Params.key) =
    match compare k (keyOf (v)) with
    | EQUAL -> (l, v, r)
        | LESS ->
        (match l with
             | Empty -> (l, v, r) (* not found *)
             | Node (ll, lv, lr) ->
               match compare k (keyOf (lv)) with
                 | EQUAL -> (ll, lv, Node(lr, v, r)) (* 1: zig *)
                 | LESS ->
                 (match ll with
                      | Empty -> (Empty, lv, Node(lr, v, r))
				(* not found *)
                      | Node (lln, lvn, lrn) as n -> (* 2: zig-zig *)
                        let (lll, llv, llr) = splay (lln, lvn, lrn) k  in
                | GREATER ->
                    (match lr with
                        | Empty -> (ll, lv, Node(Empty, v, r))
                        |Node (lln, lvn, lrn) as n ->  (* 3: zig-zag *)
                          let (lrl, lrv, lrr) = splay (lln, lvn, lrn) k  in
        | GREATER ->
	(match r with
	    | Empty -> (l, v, r) (* not found *)
	    | Node (rl, rv, rr) ->
	     match compare k (keyOf (rv)) with
		     |EQUAL -> (Node(l,v,rl),rv,rr) (* 1: zag *)
         | GREATER ->
		(match rr with
		   | Empty -> (Node(l,v,rl),rv,rr) (* not found *)
		 | Node (lln, lvn, lrn) as n -> (* 3: zag-zag *)
		 let (rrl, rrv, rrr) = splay (lln, lvn, lrn) k  in
		| LESS ->
		(match rl with
	| Empty -> (Node(l,v,rl),rv,rr) (* not found *)
 | Node (lln, lvn, lrn) as n -> (* 2: zag-zig *)
	 let (rll, rlv, rlr) = splay (lln, lvn, lrn) k  in

  let size s tr  = s

  type 'b folder = ((elem*'b)->'b) -> 'b -> key -> set -> 'b

  let rec add ((size,tr):set) (e:elem) = let
    ((l,v,r), b) = add_tree !tr e  in
    let node = splay (l,v,r)  (keyOf(e)) in
    let size' = if b then size else size+1
    let _ = Printf.printf "Size %d" size' in
    ((size', ref (Node((l,v,r)))),b) and

   add_tree  (t: tree) (e: elem) :node * bool =
    match t with
    |Empty -> ((Empty, e, Empty), false)
    | Node (l,v,r) ->
      (match compare (keyOf(v)) (keyOf(e)) with
       | EQUAL -> ((l,e,r),true)
       (* | GREATER -> let (n',b) = add_tree l e  in *)
       (*                    ((Node(n'),v,r),b) *)
       (* | LESS ->    let (n',b) = add_tree r e in *)
       (*                    ((l,v,Node(n')),b) *)
       | GREATER -> let ((x,y,z),b) = add_tree l e  in
       | LESS ->    let ((x,y,z),b) = add_tree r e in
         ((l,v,Node (x,y,z)),b)


I set up the basic code for this. There is no query now. Code is in Git.

let  preprocess_a l mk =
       let ps =
         let k = 0 --  mk
         and i = 0 -- (List.length l -1 ) in
         (k,i) in

         let v = Array.make ((List.length l) * ( mk   + 1)) 0 in

           List.iter (fun (k, i) -> 

               let () = Printf.printf "[mk %d] [k %d] [i %d]\n" mk k i in
               let ind  = indx (List.length l )  in
               match k with
               | 0 ->
                      let index = ind i k in
                      let value = List.nth l (ind i 0) in
                      (* let () = Printf.printf "Value set is %d [k %d] [i %d]\n" value k i in *)

                      let v' = Array.set v index value in
                      Array.iter (fun elem -> Printf.printf " %d " elem) v

               | _ ->
                 let i' = i + (Batteries.Int.pow 2 ( k - 1)) in
                 let p1 = Array.get v ( ind i (k - 1) ) in
                 let p2 = Array.get v ( ind i' (k - 1)) in
                 (* let () = Printf.printf "p1 is %d p2 is %d [k %d] [i %d]\n" p1 p2 k i in *)

                 let v' = Array.set v (ind i k ) ( min p1 p2) in
                 Array.iter (fun elem -> Printf.printf " %d " elem) v
         ) (enum_to_list ps)
Written on November 1, 2023