Game Of Life in Racket

I know of a few methods to learn Functional Programming languages. One could read a book or read source code. My attempt involves source code that I port to my favorite language. And I learn two different languages at the same time. The source and the target. It has been very productive for me.

I will continue to post code here directly as and when I manage to compile it. This code is directly ported from OCaml and I will add the link to the source once it is finished.


#lang typed/racket/base
(provide preimg)
(require racket/set)
(require racket/hash)

 (require "coord.rkt")

(: preimg ( ( Integer -> Boolean  )(HashTable Coord Integer) -> (Setof Coord)))
(define (preimg p  m )
    ;; (let ([ s :(Setof Integer)  (list->set '())])

    (let ([ s :(Setof Coord)  (set)])
    (hash-for-each m
                   (lambda ([k :  Coord]
                            [v :  Integer]
                     (when (p v)
                       (set! s (set-add s k))
                       (print s)
                       ) )  )


#lang typed/racket
(provide mapper oflist mem)
(require racket/set)
(require "coord.rkt")

(: mapper ((Integer -> Integer) (Setof Integer) ->
                                (Setof Integer)))
(define (mapper f s)
(list->set (map f (set->list s))))
  ;; (set-map s f))

(: oflist ( (Listof Integer) -> (Setof Integer)))
(define (oflist lst )
(foldl (lambda ([x :  Integer] [s : (Setof Integer)]) ( set-add  s x ))
          (list->set '()) lst))

(: coord-comparator ( (Pairof Integer Integer ) (Pairof Integer Integer )-> Integer))
(define (coord-comparator a b)
      [(equal a b) 0]
      [(false? (compare a b)) -1]
      [else 1]))

(define empty (make-hasheq))

(: add (  (HashTable (Pairof Integer Integer  ) Integer)
          (Pairof Integer Integer )  ->
          (Immutable-HashTable (Pairof Integer Integer ) Integer)))
(define (add s c) (hash-set s c 1))

(: mem (  (HashTable (Pairof Integer Integer  ) Integer)
          (Pairof Integer Integer )  ->
(define (mem s c) (hash-has-key? s c))


#lang typed/racket/base
(provide preimg)
(require racket/set)
(require racket/hash)

 (require "coord.rkt")

(: preimg ( ( Integer -> Boolean  )(HashTable Coord Integer) -> (Setof Coord)))
(define (preimg p  m )
    ;; (let ([ s :(Setof Integer)  (list->set '())])

    (let ([ s :(Setof Coord)  (set)])
    (hash-for-each m
                   (lambda ([k :  Coord]
                            [v :  Integer]
                     (when (p v)
                       (set! s (set-add s k))
                       (print s)
                       ) )  )


#lang typed/racket

(require typed/rackunit)
(module I typed/racket
(require "datatypemacro.rkt" "coord.rkt" "gameset.rkt")
(provide t Hcompose width height Empty dim)

(struct dim ([width : Integer] [height : Integer]))
(define-datatype t
    ( Hcompose t t dim)
    ( Vcompose t t dim)

(: width : ( t  ->  Integer ))
(define  (  width datatype )
   (match datatype
     [(Hcompose left right  d) (dim-width d)]
     [(Vcompose left right  d) (dim-width d )]
     [(Empty) 0]))

(: height : ( t  ->  Integer ))
(define  ( height datatype )
   (match datatype
     [(Hcompose left right  d) (dim-height d)]
     [(Vcompose left right  d) (dim-height d )]
     [(Empty) 0]))

(provide <#> <-> )

(: <#> : ( t t -> t ))
(define ( <#> t1 t2)
  (match (list t1 t2)
    [ (cons _ Empty) t1]
    [ (cons Empty _) t2]
    [ _ (let* ([w  (+ (width t1)  (width t2))]
               [ h  (max (height t1) (height t2))])
                (Hcompose t1  t2 (dim w h))

(: <-> : ( t t -> t ))
(define ( <-> t1 t2)
  (match (list t1 t2)
    [ (cons _ Empty) t1]
    [ (cons Empty _) t2]
    [ _ (let* ([w  (max (width t1) (width t2))]
               [h  (+ (height t1)  (height t2))])
               (Vcompose t1 t2 (dim w h))

(module Shape typed/racket

 (require (submod ".." I))
 (require threading)
 (require  "gameset.rkt" "coord.rkt" "gamemap.rkt")
 (require typed/racket/gui)

 (provide render step torus erem linspcm background )

 (: erem (  Integer Integer ->
 (define (erem x y)
   (modulo (+ (modulo x y) y)  y)

 (: square ( (Pairof Integer Integer) (Pairof Integer Integer) ->
                         (Pairof Real Real)))
 (define (square wh ab)
  (match  ab
    [(cons  x  y)
            [(or (< (car ab)  0) (>= (car ab)  (car wh)) (< (cdr ab)  0) (>= (cdr ab) (cdr wh)))
            (cons -1 -1)]
            [else  ab])]

 (: torus : ( Coord -> (-> Coord
 (define (torus wh )
    (lambda ([ab : Coord])
      (cons (erem (car ab) (car wh)) (erem (cdr ab) (cdr wh)))

 (: mobius ( (Pairof Integer Integer) (Pairof Integer Integer) ->
                         (Pairof Real Real)))
 (define (mobius wh ab)
 (match  ab
    [(cons  x  y)
            [(or (< (car ab)  0) (>= (car ab) (car wh)))
            (cons (erem (car ab) (car wh)) (- (- (cdr wh) (cdr ab )) 1 ))]
            [else  ab])]

( : neigh : (Coord -> Coord )
             (Pairof Integer Integer) -> (Listof (Pairof Integer Integer)))
(define (neigh topo ab)
  (let* ([a (car ab)]
         [b (cdr ab)]
         [a-1 (sub1 (car ab))]
         [a+1 (add1 (car ab))]
         [b-1 (sub1 (cdr ab))]
         [b+1 (add1 (cdr ab))]
          `((,a-1 . ,b)
                (,a+1 . ,b)
                (,a-1 . ,b-1)
                (,a-1 . ,b+1)
                (,a . ,b-1)
                (,a . ,b+1)
                (,a+1 . ,b-1)
                (,a+1 . ,b+1))])
  (map topo  neighbours ))

(: background : ( (Instance DC<%>) Integer (Pairof Integer Integer) ->
                         t  ))
(define (background dc step nm)
(let* ([float-sum (/ (exact->inexact (+ step (cdr nm) (car nm))) 10.0)]
       [sin-value (* 24.0 (sin float-sum))]
       [k (truncate sin-value)])
  (cond [(> k  0)
          (define gray (make-object color% 128 128 128))
          ;; (send dc set-pen gray 1 'solid)
          ;; (send dc set-text-foreground gray)
          ;; (send dc draw-text "●"  (cdr nm) (car nm))
          (Hcompose (Empty) (Empty) (dim 50  50))
          ;; (send dc set-pen "red" 1 'solid)
          ;; (send dc draw-rectangle (car nm) (cdr nm) 14 24)
          (Hcompose (Empty) (Empty) (dim 5 5))

(define-syntax-rule (@) append)

(: linspcm : (t Integer Integer (Integer -> t) (t t -> t) -> t))
(define (linspcm z x n f op)
  (match n
    [0 z]
    [1 (f x)]
    [_ (let* ([m (quotient n 2)])
         (op (linspcm z x m f op)
             (linspcm z (+ x m) (- n m) f op)))]))

(: tabulate : ( Integer Integer
              (Integer Integer ->  t) -> t))
(define (tabulate m n f)
  (let* ([m (max m 0)]
         [n (max n 0)])
  (linspcm (Empty)  0 n (lambda (y)
                                  (linspcm (Empty)  0 m (lambda (x)
                                                               ;; (printf "Tabulate with ~a ~a  ~n" x  y)
                                                               (f x y)

(: step : ( (-> Coord Coord )(Listof (Pairof Integer Integer)) ->
           (Setof Coord)))
(define (step topo life)
(: nlive : ((Pairof Integer Integer) ->
  (define  (nlive pt)
    (printf " nlive ~a  " pt )
    ( let* ([neighbours (neigh topo pt )])
           ( filter (lambda (neighbour) (set-member? life neighbour )) neighbours )

(: f1 : ( Coord (Immutable-HashTable Coord Integer)->  (Immutable-HashTable Coord Integer)))
  (define  (f1 pt acc )
    ;; (printf "pair ~a~n " pt )
    ;; (for/hash ([(k v) (in-hash acc)]) (values (printf " Key ~a" k) (printf "Value ~a~n" v)))
    ( let* ([neighbour (cons pt  (neigh topo pt))])
      ;; (printf "Neighbour ~a~n " neighbour )

         (lambda ([pt1 : Coord ][acc : (Immutable-HashTable Coord Integer)])
           (match pt1
           [ (cons -1  -1) acc]
           [ (cons x1 x2)
                    #:when (mem acc pt1)
                    acc ]
           [ (cons x1 x2)
               (let* ([n ( nlive pt1 )])
                      (hash-set acc pt1
                        (if (and (or (= n 3) (= n 2)) ( set-member? life pt1))
         acc neighbour )
(define (eliminate)
  (define acc  : (Immutable-HashTable Coord Integer) (make-immutable-hasheq))
  (for/fold ([acc : (Immutable-HashTable Coord Integer) acc])
            ([pair life])
      (for/hash ([(k v) (in-hash acc)]) (values (printf " Key ~a" k) (printf "Value ~a~n" v)))
      (let ([accu (f1 pair acc)])
); Return acc after folding

 (let* ([s (preimg (lambda ([ x : Number] )( = x 0))  (eliminate))])

(: live-pair : (  (HashTable Coord Integer) (Pairof Integer Integer) -> Void))
(define (live-pair life pt)
  (for ([(k v) (in-hash life)])
    (when (equal? k pt)
      (printf "Key ~a~n" k)
      (printf "Value ~a~n" v))))

(: render : (  (Instance DC<%>) Integer Integer Integer (HashTable Coord Integer) ->
(define (render dc w h step life )
  (define lightred (make-object color% 255 10 10))
  (printf "Life count ~a ~n" (hash-count life))
  (tabulate w (- h  1) (lambda (x y)
     ;; (live-pair life (cons x y))

     (let* ([pt  (cons x  y)])
       (for ([(k v) (in-hash life)])
         (if (equal? k pt)
                 ;; (printf "Drawing at ~a , ~a~n" x y)

                 (send dc set-pen "blue" 2 'solid)
                 (send dc draw-rectangle x y 1 2)
                 ;; (send dc set-text-foreground lightred)
                 ;; (send dc draw-text "●"  x y )
                 (Hcompose (Empty) (Empty) (dim 50  50)))
                 (background dc step pt))
                 (Hcompose (Empty) (Empty) (dim 50  50))

(module Gui typed/racket

(require typed/racket/gui)
(require (submod ".." Shape))
 (require (submod ".." I))
 (require "coord.rkt" "gameset.rkt")
(provide start)

(define black-brush (new brush% [color "black"]))
(define dc #f)

(define black-pen
  (new pen%
       [color  "red"]
       [width  10]
       [style  'solid]
       [cap    'round]
       [join   'round]
       [stipple #f]))

(define game-window%
  (class frame%
    ;; (define/augment (on-close) ;; stop timer
    ;; )

(define lifeseed
             '((2 . 1) (3 . 2) (1 . 3) (2 . 3) (3 . 3 )))

(: renderer : ( (Instance DC<%>) -> Void))
(define (renderer dc)
(let* ([life  (step (torus (cons 300 300)) lifeseed)])
      (printf "Set count ~a\n" (set-count life))

    (: updated-hash : (Immutable-HashTable Coord Integer) )
    (define updated-hash
      (for/fold ([acc  : (Immutable-HashTable Coord Integer) (make-immutable-hasheq)])
                ([pair (in-set life)])
        (hash-set acc pair 0)))

    (render dc 300 300 1 updated-hash )

;; The GUI frame showing our game
(define the-frame (new game-window% [label "Game of Life"] [width 800] [height 450]))
(define game-canvas
  (class canvas%
    ( define/override (on-paint)
      (define dc (send this get-dc))
      (send dc set-font (make-font #:size 24 #:face "Fira Code"))
      (send dc set-pen "black" 0 'solid)
      (send dc set-smoothing 'unsmoothed)
      (send dc set-brush "black" 'transparent)
      (send dc set-pen black-pen)
      (send this suspend-flush)
      (send this resume-flush)
      (renderer dc)
      (send the-frame show #t)
      (send the-frame focus)

(define game-console
  (new game-canvas
       [parent the-frame]

(define (handle-on-timer)
    (send game-console on-paint)
    (send game-console refresh)
(define (start)
  (define timer (new timer%
                     [notify-callback handle-on-timer]
                     [interval  1000])) ; milliseconds
  (send timer start 1)

( require 'Gui)
(require 'Shape)


A simple incomplete test shown here as an example.

( check-equal? (preimg (lambda (x) (= x 0))
                       (make-immutable-hash '([3 . 1] [1 . 2] [10 . 0]))) (set 10) "Test unsuccessfull")

Racket GUI

Almost all the code shown above except the UI code is directly ported from OCaml. See the references. Almost all the code shown below is from a template. It is just Racket’s way of creating a GUI.

(define black-brush (new brush% [color "black"]))
(define dc #f)

(define black-pen
  (new pen%
       [color  "red"]
       [width  10]
       [style  'solid]
       [cap    'round]
       [join   'round]
       [stipple #f]))

(define game-window%
  (class frame%

;; The GUI frame showing our game
(define the-frame (new game-window% [label "Game of Life"] [width 800] [height 450]))
(define game-canvas
  (class canvas%
    ( define/override (on-paint)
      (define dc (send this get-dc))
       (let ((dc (send this get-dc)))
         (send dc set-font (make-font #:size 24 #:face "Fira Code"))
         (send dc set-pen "black" 0 'solid)
         (send dc set-smoothing 'unsmoothed)
         (send dc set-brush "black" 'transparent))
         (send dc set-pen black-pen)
         (send dc draw-rectangle 50 50 100 100)
         (send this suspend-flush)
         (send this resume-flush)
      (send the-frame show #t)
      (send the-frame focus)

(define game-console
  (new game-canvas
       [parent the-frame]

(define (handle-on-timer)
    (send game-console on-paint)
(define (start)
  (define timer (new timer%
                     [notify-callback handle-on-timer]
                     [interval  1000])) ; milliseconds
  (send timer start 1)

Experiment with Syntax-rule

the syntax-rule I needed is minimal. I also learnt that the infix between two dots (. (@) .) becomes a prefix.

(define-syntax-rule (@) append)

;; (define-syntax-rule  (linspcm z (@) x n f)
(: linspcm : ((Listof Integer) Integer Integer
              (Integer ->  Integer) -> (Listof Integer)))
(define  (linspcm z  x n f)

  (match n
    [0 z]
    [1 (list (f x))]
    [_ (let* ([m (quotient n 2)])
         (displayln n)
         ((linspcm z    x m f) . (@) .
         (linspcm z  (+ x m) (- n m) f))

Ported code from which is a OCaml library

At this stage just to render a UI I have to port some deep part of an OCaml library to Racket. This wasn’t envisaged.

(module I typed/racket
(require "datatypemacro.rkt" "coord.rkt" "gameset.rkt")
(provide t Hcompose width height Empty dim)

(struct dim ([width : Integer] [height : Integer]))
(define-datatype t
    ( Hcompose t t dim)
    ( Vcompose t t dim)

(: width : ( t  ->  Integer ))
(define  (  width datatype )
   (match datatype
     [(Hcompose left right  d) (dim-width d)]
     [(Vcompose left right  d) (dim-width d )]
     [(Empty) 0]))

(: height : ( t  ->  Integer ))
(define  ( height datatype )
   (match datatype
     [(Hcompose left right  d) (dim-height d)]
     [(Vcompose left right  d) (dim-height d )]
     [(Empty) 0]))

(provide <#> <-> )

(: <#> : ( t t -> t ))
(define ( <#> t1 t2)
  (match (list t1 t2)
    [ (cons _ Empty) t1]
    [ (cons Empty _) t2]
    [ _ (let* ([w  (+ (width t1)  (width t2))]
               [ h  (max (height t1) (height t2))])
                (Hcompose t1  t2 (dim w h))

(: <-> : ( t t -> t ))
(define ( <-> t1 t2)
  (match (list t1 t2)
    [ (cons _ Empty) t1]
    [ (cons Empty _) t2]
    [ _ (let* ([w  (max (width t1) (width t2))]
               [h  (+ (height t1)  (height t2))])
               (Vcompose t1 t2 (dim w h))


There is a logical end to this. The code is almost complete. It renders the UI but a part of the code does not properly draw the live cells in the UI. But at this time I have concluded that I have exercised my Racket Functional Programming skills sufficiently. And I learnt many aspects of Racket and this knowledge will be useful when I tackle other interesting problems.


  1. ( This isn’t utilized because my Racket code is just a canvas, Not a terminal )
  2. is the GUI referenced code.
Written on May 14, 2024