Functional Reactive Programming( FRP )


THe following are the keystrokes I needed to use Spacemacs editor for Haskell so that I could focus on the code without too much distraction. More advanced customizations are possible but for now this suffices.

  Windows <
============== —————- —————-
C-x b Switch Buffer <
SPC b x Kill Buffer <
SPC w x Kill Window <
C-x 2 Split Window <
C-x k Kill Buffer <
  Files <
============== —————- —————-
C-x f Open File <
C-x C-s Save File <
SPC w x Kill Window <
  HASKELL code <
============== —————- —————-
SPC m s b Compile and load <
  in REPL <


There are details that are yet to be added to this post but this code works. Since I am a Haskell novice I can explain only part of the code. The program itself will be refactored as I understand it better.

The code uses reactive-banana

What is functional reactive programming ?

Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) integrates time flow and compositional events into functional programming. This provides an elegant way to express computation in domains such as interactive animations, robotics, computer vision, user interfaces, and simulation.

But this definition is from the Haskell Wiki. I am just showing a piece of code which is trivial anyway.

Pattern 1

My initial attempt samples an image and renders it in the window when an event is fired in the following function.

eventLoop :: EventSource ()  -> IO ()
eventLoop ( displayvalueevent)  = do
  putStrLn "Fired Event"
  fire displayvalueevent ()

But it does not sample images based on different UI events generated by the KeyBoard or Mouse.

This function is only for testing if the UI events are trapped or not.

let handleEvent e@(EventKey k Down _ _) = case k of
            (SpecialKey KeySpace) -> putStrLn "Space" 
            _                   -> putStrLn "Case"
       handleEvent e = event e

This is the code in its entirety.

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}

module Main where
import Data.IORef
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Graphics.Gloss hiding (pictures)
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game( Event(..) )
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game( MouseButton(..) )
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game( KeyState( Down ) )
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game
import qualified Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game as Gloss (Event, playIO)

main = do

   picRef  newIORef blank
   (eventHandler, event)  newAddHandler

   sources <- makeSources
   network <- compile $ networkDescriptor picRef sources
   actuate network
   eventLoop sources
   let handleEvent e@(EventKey k Down _ _) = case k of
            (SpecialKey KeySpace) -> putStrLn "Space" 
            _                   -> putStrLn "Case"
       handleEvent e = event e

    (InWindow "Functional Reactive" (320, 240) (800, 200))
    (\() -> readIORef picRef)
    -- (\ ev   _ → quit ev >> () <$ handleEvent ev)
    (\ ev () -> handleEvent ev)
    (\_ () -> pure ())
    quit (EventKey (Char 's' )
                          _ _ _) = reactToKeyPress
    quit  _ = return ()

reactToKeyPress :: IO ()
reactToKeyPress = putStrLn "Key Pressed"

drawBoard :: Picture
drawBoard =
   Pictures $ [ color violet $ translate x y $ rectangleWire 90 90| x<-[0,90..180], y<-[0,90..180] ] 

makeSources =  newAddHandler

type EventSource a = (AddHandler a, a -> IO ())

addHandler :: EventSource a -> AddHandler a
addHandler = fst

eventLoop :: EventSource ()  -> IO ()
eventLoop ( displayvalueevent)  = do
  putStrLn "Fired Event"
  fire displayvalueevent ()

fire :: EventSource a -> a -> IO ()
fire = snd

networkDescriptor :: IORef Picture -> EventSource() -> MomentIO ()
networkDescriptor lastFrame  displayGlossEvent = do
  glossEvent <- fromAddHandler (addHandler displayGlossEvent )
  reactimate $ putStrLn . showValue <$> glossEvent

  picture <- liftMoment (handleKeys displayGlossEvent )
  changes picture >>= reactimate' . fmap (fmap (writeIORef lastFrame))
  valueBLater picture >>= liftIO . writeIORef lastFrame

showValue value = "Value is " ++ show value

handleKeys :: EventSource ()  -> Moment (Behavior Picture)
handleKeys glossEvent = do

  let picture = drawBoard
  return $ pure picture


After debugging this code I came up with an improvement. This code can trap a specific Gloss KeyBoard event and fire a reactive-banana event.

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}

module Main where
import Data.IORef
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Graphics.Gloss hiding (pictures)
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game( Event(..) )
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game( MouseButton(..) )
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game( KeyState( Down ) )
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game
import qualified Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game as Gloss (Event, playIO)

main = do

   (eventHandler,event)<- makeSources
   picRef  newIORef blank
   network <- compile $ networkDescriptor picRef eventHandler
   actuate network
   let handleEvent e@(EventKey k Down _ _) = case k of
            (SpecialKey KeySpace) -> event e
            _                   -> return ()
       handleEvent e = return ()

    (InWindow "Functional Reactive" (550, 490) (800, 200))
    (\() -> readIORef picRef)
    (\ ev () -> handleEvent ev)
    (\_ () -> pure ())

reactToKeyPress :: IO ()
reactToKeyPress = putStrLn "Key Pressed"

drawBoard :: Picture
drawBoard =
   Pictures $ [ color violet $ translate x y $ rectangleWire 90 90| x<-[0,90..180], y<-[0,90..180] ] 

makeSources =  newAddHandler

type EventSource a = (AddHandler a, a -> IO ())

addHandler :: EventSource a -> AddHandler a
addHandler = fst

fire :: EventSource a -> a -> IO ()
fire = snd

networkDescriptor :: IORef Picture -> AddHandler Gloss.Event -> MomentIO ()
networkDescriptor lastFrame  displayGlossEvent = do
  glossEvent <- fromAddHandler displayGlossEvent
  reactimate $ putStrLn . showValue <$> glossEvent

  picture <- liftMoment (handleKeys glossEvent )
  changes picture >>= reactimate' . fmap (fmap (writeIORef lastFrame))
  valueBLater picture >>= liftIO . writeIORef lastFrame

showValue value = "Value is " ++ show value

handleKeys :: Reactive.Banana.Event e  -> Moment (Behavior Picture)
handleKeys glossEvent = do

  let picture = drawBoard
  return $ pure picture

Pattern 2

This is my second attempt. Some functions are unused. As we see this time the actual Gloss UI events generated by the KeyBoard or Mouse are printed inside networkDescriptor :: IORef Picture -> AddHandler Gloss.Event -> MomentIO ()

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}

module Main where
import Data.IORef
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Graphics.Gloss hiding (pictures)
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game( Event(..) )
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game( MouseButton(..) )
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game( KeyState( Down ) )
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game
import qualified Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game as Gloss (Event, playIO)

main = do

   picRef  newIORef blank
   (eventHandler, event)  newAddHandler
   network <- compile $ networkDescriptor picRef eventHandler
   actuate network

    (InWindow "Functional Reactive" (550, 490) (800, 200))
    (\() -> readIORef picRef)
    (\ ev () -> event ev)
    (\_ () -> pure ())

drawBoard :: Picture
drawBoard =
   Pictures $ [ color violet $ translate x y $ rectangleWire 90 90| x<-[0,90..180], y<-[0,90..180] ] 

makeSources =  newAddHandler

type EventSource a = (AddHandler a, a -> IO ())

addHandler :: EventSource a -> AddHandler a
addHandler = fst

fire :: EventSource a -> a -> IO ()
fire = snd

networkDescriptor :: IORef Picture -> AddHandler Gloss.Event -> MomentIO ()
networkDescriptor lastFrame  displayGlossEvent = do
  glossEvent <- fromAddHandler displayGlossEvent
  reactimate $ putStrLn . showValue <$> glossEvent

  picture <- liftMoment (handleKeys glossEvent )
  changes picture >>= reactimate' . fmap (fmap (writeIORef lastFrame))
  valueBLater picture >>= liftIO . writeIORef lastFrame

showValue value = "Value is " ++ show value

handleKeys :: Reactive.Banana.Event  e -> Moment (Behavior Picture)
handleKeys glossEvent = do

  let picture = drawBoard
  return $ pure picture
Value is EventMotion (-798.0,56.0)
Value is EventMotion (-798.0,56.0)
Value is EventMotion (-798.0,57.0)
Value is EventKey (SpecialKey KeyEsc) Down (Modifiers {shift = Up, ctrl = Up, alt = Up}) (-798.0,57.0)
Value is EventKey (SpecialKey KeyEsc) Up (Modifiers {shift = Up, ctrl = Up, alt = Up}) (-798.0,57.0)
Value is EventKey (Char 'h') Down (Modifiers {shift = Up, ctrl = Up, alt = Up}) (-798.0,57.0)
Value is EventKey (Char 'h') Up (Modifiers {shift = Up, ctrl = Up, alt = Up}) (-798.0,57.0)
Value is EventKey (Char 'j') Down (Modifiers {shift = Up, ctrl = Up, alt = Up}) (-798.0,57.0)
Value is EventKey (Char 'j') Up (Modifiers {shift = Up, ctrl = Up, alt = Up}) (-798.0,57.0)
Value is EventKey (Char 'k') Down (Modifiers {shift = Up, ctrl = Up, alt = Up}) (-798.0,57.0)
Value is EventKey (Char 'k') Up (Modifiers {shift = Up, ctrl = Up, alt = Up}) (-798.0,57.0)
Value is EventMotion (-798.0,57.0)
Value is EventMotion (-798.0,59.0)
Value is EventMotion (-798.0,61.0)
Written on August 19, 2022