Collaborative Editor
Collaborative editor patterns that I try to code could be of many kinds. There are string manipulation algorithms, CRDTs and even LLM inference. So even though a full-fledged editor is not in scope here, many algorithms like these can be explored and a functional editor can be created.
The code will be updated directly here in phases. I don’t commit this to a separate repository.
Please note that this is a random collection of algorithms that eventually could be part of a simple editor. There are too many books and papers that deal with a multitude of algorithms.
OCaml 5 Effect Handlers
I will add some sections like this to explain the reason for experimenting with new paradigms. In many cases the code is too dense and will seem complicated when new techniques are introduced needlessly but Effect handlers are interesting to learn. Application though should be selective. There will be many usecases for these in the future.
So the following is an experiment in the sense that the code quality will be fixed only later. So, for example, global references are used to complete the code even though they are unnecessary.
Breaking paragraphs into lines
The title describes the essence of one such algorithm( Plass and Knuth ) to break paragraphs.
open Stdlib
open Effect.Deep
open Effect
type entry = {
first : int;
last : int;
mutable next : int;
mutable score : int}
let gl = ref []
let is_space= function ' ' -> true | _ -> false
let rec printlist l =
match l with
| hd ::tl ->
Printf.printf " %d %d %d %d\n" hd.first hd.last hd.score;
printlist tl
| [] -> ()
let final_state l (start, idx) =
(* let e = {first = start; last = idx; next = -1; score = -1} in *)
(* l := !l @ [e]; *)
let e = {first = -1; last = -1; next = -1; score = 0} in
l := !l @ [e];
Printf.printf " Final state %d %d\n" start idx;
Printf.printf " Size of list is %d\n" (List.length !l);
type _ Effect.t += Skipping_spaces : (int * int ) -> unit Effect.t
let parabreak l text ideal_width max_width =
Printf.printf " parabreak\n";
let start = ref 0 in
let idx,_ =
String.fold_left (fun (idx,word_or_space) c ->
match (is_space c, word_or_space) with
| (true,true)
Printf.printf "Space at index %d, skipping\n" idx;
if !start < idx then
perform (Skipping_spaces (!start,idx) );
start := idx + 1;
(idx + 1,false);
| (true,false)
-> Printf.printf "No Space at index %d, skipping\n" idx;
(idx + 1,false)
| (false,_)
(idx + 1,true)) (0,false) text
if !start < idx then
Printf.printf "Final - Skipping spaces %d %d\n" !start idx;
perform (Skipping_spaces (!start,idx));
final_state l (!start,idx)
let effective text l =
match_with (fun () -> parabreak l text 10 29)
{ effc = (fun (type c) (eff1: c Effect.t) ->
match eff1 with
| Skipping_spaces (s,s1) -> Some (fun (k: (c,_) continuation) ->
Printf.printf "Skipping spaces \"%d %d\"\n" s s1;
let e = {first = s; last = s1; next = -1; score = -1} in
l := !l @ [e];
continue k ()
| _ -> None
exnc = (function
| e -> raise e
(* retc = fun _ -> failwith "Fatal error" *)
(* retc = (fun res -> Printf.printf "Computation returned %d: \n" (List.length !l)) *)
retc = (fun _ -> l)
let rec plassbreak indent idx idealwidth maxwidth =
let jdx = ref( idx + 1 ) in
let lastrecord = List.nth !gl idx in
let llen = ref (lastrecord.last - lastrecord.first) in
let bscore = idealwidth - !llen in
let bscore = ref (bscore * bscore) in
let btail = ref !jdx in
let rec loop_while j_dx =
if j_dx < (List.length !gl) then(
Printf.printf "llen: %d, bscore: %d, btail: %d\n" !llen !bscore !btail;
let {first; last; next; score} = List.nth !gl j_dx in
let wwidth = last - first in
if ((!llen + wwidth) < maxwidth) then(
let lscore = ref (idealwidth - (!llen + wwidth)) in
lscore := !lscore * !lscore;
llen := !llen + wwidth + 1;
if score = -1 then
plassbreak (indent + 1) j_dx idealwidth maxwidth;
let score1 = List.nth !gl !jdx in
if ((!lscore + score1.score) < !bscore) then(
bscore := !lscore + score1.score;
btail := !jdx;
loop_while (j_dx + 1)
)else ()
)else ()
loop_while !jdx;
let record = List.nth !gl idx in
record.score <- !bscore; <- !btail;
if ( + 1) = List.length !gl then(
record.score <- 0;
let rec loop_while line text lines idx next acc =
if acc > next || (acc + 1) >= List.length !gl then
let {first; last; _} = List.nth lines acc in
if (last - first) <= 0 then
let new_line =
line ^ (if acc == idx then "" else " ") ^
String.sub text first (last - first)
loop_while new_line text lines idx next (acc + 1)
let layout text idealwidth maxwidth =
let rec loop idx lines line =
if (idx < (List.length !gl - 1)) then
let entry = List.nth lines idx in
let line = loop_while line text lines idx idx in
let line =
if (String.length line < maxwidth)
let line = line ^ String.make (maxwidth - String.length line) ' ' in
)else line
let line = Bytes.of_string line in
let _ = Bytes.set line idealwidth '+' in
let line = Bytes.to_string line ^ "|" in
Printf.printf " %s \n" line;
loop !gl ""
loop 0 !gl ""
(* read the entire file *)
let read_file() =
let contents = In_channel.with_open_text "/Users/anu/Documents/go/testwiki.txt" In_channel.input_all in
let pbreak_main =
let l = ref [] in
let file_contents = read_file() in
let l1 = effective file_contents l in
gl := !l1;
let _ = plassbreak 0 0 10 29 in
Printf.printf "Global list %d\n" (List.length !gl) ;
printlist !gl;
let _ = layout file_contents 10 20 in
| exn -> Printf.printf "Unhandled exception: %s\n" (Printexc.to_string exn)
Validation of the algorithm
The test is the only validation now. The algorithm is not verified based on the original reference to the algorithm. This OCaml code is ported from C++. There is a single bug that increases the score and as a consequence breaks the paragraph at the wrong position. But even otherwise the breaks don’t seem to be perfect.
This has to be surely improved when used by an editor. That is a task for the future.
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